Cold Support Tea

Cold Support Tea

from $24.00

Cold Support Herbal Tea

When the sniffles come knocking, strengthen your reserves and defend your system with this powerful blend of immune-boosting and antiseptic herbs.* While this blend is definitely medicinal, its taste is sweet, soothing and pleasant. 

Elder Flowers, Licorice Root, and Fennel combine to battle congestion, while Calendula eases fever and Cinnamon strengthens the defense system.* The illustrious Echinacea picks up the pieces by working on your immunity.* Visit our blog to learn more about the ingredients in our Cold Support tea.

Naturally caffeine-free wellness blend.

Ingredients: Licorice Root, Elder Flower, Echinacea Root, Calendula, Fennel, Cinnamon

Directions: Steep 1 tsp of tea for every 8 oz of water
Recommended Water Temperature: 212˚F
Steeping Time: 4 - 5 minutes

Bag Size:
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Cold Support tea blend made with Licorice Root, Elder Flower, Echinacea Root, Calendula, Fennel, and Cinnamon

Cold Support Tea Ingredients

Cold Support not only works wonders to keep sickness at bay, it also helps boost your inner reserves when you’re in the midst of a case of the flu or a strong cold.* Learn more about the principal herbs in this healing blend and their immune-boosting and respiratory-supporting properties.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent disease. Do not use during pregnancy, while nursing, on medication, or for prolonged periods of time without the supervision of a qualified health practitioner.

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