Chrysanthemum Yellow Blossom

Chrysanthemum Yellow Blossom


Yellow Chrysanthemum Flower Tea (1 oz)

Savor the essence of spring with our high-grade yellow chrysanthemum blossoms. Chrysanthemum tea is beautifully aromatic with a sweet, clean, and mildly bitter flavor profile. Each sip of this floral tea is a journey through fields of fragrant golden blooms.

Chrysanthemum flowers are valued in traditional Chinese medicine for their cooling, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.* They have been used for centuries to calm the nerves, clear the mind, and support the immune and respiratory systems.*

Naturally caffeine-free herbal tisane.

Ingredients: Dried Yellow Chrysanthemum Flowers

Directions: Steep 1 tsp of tea for every 8 oz of water
Recommended Water Temperature: 212˚F
Steeping Time: 4 - 5 minutes

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent disease. Do not use during pregnancy, while nursing, on medication, or for prolonged periods of time without the supervision of a qualified health practitioner.

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